2019-10-11 10:34

The NEWSILKROAD Institute in the Republic of Korea(ROK), a comprehensive and professional organization specialized in research of the Belt and Road Initiative, was officially set up on Feb 5, 2018 and recognized by the ROK government on Jan 30, 2019.The Institute under the jurisdiction of the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a non-profit legal entity. Currently the Institute not only carries on in-depth and systematic study of the Belt and Road Initiative but also conducts various research and discussion activities on issues like relationship between China and the ROK.

The Institute focuses on two main research directions concerning the Belt and Road Initiative: 

The first direction is themed on youth, future, vision and internationality which are closely related with the Belt and Road Initiative. For this purpose, the Institute held the first Belt and Road Initiative. For this purpose, the Institute held the first Belt and Road International Youth Forum on Feb. 26, 2019 in Seoul, which attracted over 200 young scholars from 78 countries and regions all over the world.The second direction places emphasis on topics involving the Northeastern Asia, the Korean Peninsula, Japan and the Pacific region along the routes of Belt and Road. Through conducting these research work,the Institute hopes the ROK will serve as a key tunnel in connecting all areas between continental and maritime countries and regions. Meanwhile, the Institute seeks to find win-win conjunction points towards the relationship between China and the ROK. To achieve this goal, the Institute holds regular professional seminars each month and actively exchanges and corporates with Chinese governments at all levels as well as associated think tanks since its establishment.




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